Looking ahead

We started 2020 with a BANG! The February Tampa Pro collab with SPoT show was epic. Never before had Tim Anderson and Nick Halkias put their amazing collections together, and the Strangelove x Deckaid Sean Cliver + Clyde Singleton Board was a huge success, raising important funds for Boards for Bros. 

After spending the weekend surrounded by many friends, old and new, all things came to a screeching halt with COVID. It definitely felt like whiplash. Our May Ohio show with Embassy sadly got put on an indefinite hold. Our team ruminated on how to move forward, and we decided to support the beloved skateships who had supported us in years past with the Deckaid Loves Skateshops campaign. In the wake of the protests for racial justice, many of those skate shops gave forward to their communities. During this time Deckaid also supported Color of Change, a national nonprofit civil rights advocacy organization. 

We also took the time to reflect on our organization and we grew our board by adding Niki Williams and Michelle Box to the Team. Since then, we have been putting our heads together to revamp our website (TADA- here it is!) and to make future plans. As we look forward into 2021, we have a some exciting things on the horizon, so please stay tuned. And Columbus will happen… all in good time. 

Meanwhile, wishing all of you a safe and healthy new year!



Transworld Deckaid Tampa Pro Recap- 2020


’90s Skateboards On Gallery Walls? ‘It’s Hard to Compete With That Level of Freshness’